Wednesday 12 October 2011

What is done in Greece by Kostas Biris?

In Albanian

Çfare eshte bere në Greqi me Kostas Biris ?
Eshte autori i librit :Arvanitet,doret e grekeve moderne ,1960
 Arvanites, the Dorians of modern Hellenism, history of Arvanites in Grece.
Kosta Biri, ku Bir  = fëmijë - djalë,dhe bir - jonë = Virjon në greqisht,Vironas
Libri i tij doli për herë të parë në v.1963.
Ajo u shit shume shpejt.
Nuk u lejua ribotimi deri ne vitin 1974,dmth per njembedhjete vjet
 Në vitin 1974 u rishtyp dhe u lejua shitja vetem per pak kohe.
Libri u zhduk nga blerjet .
Nuk u lejua ribotimi .
U ribotua pas njezet vjetësh në vitin 1994.
Ishte shitur për dy javë.
 Ai u ndal perseri për tu lënë i lirë pas vitit 2010.
Pra, në 40 vjet u lejua vetëm për 40 dite.
Kjo ,ironikisht në ekonomine e tregut të lire !!!(Shteti Policor nuk pyet per të)
Këto gjëra ndodhin vetëm në Greqi .
Pyetja eshte se si mund të hiqen greket e rinj si vendi i qyteterimit boteror ?
Ndalohet çdo gjë Arvanite  dhe jo vetem arvanite
Lejohet çdo gjë greke.
Mjafton të jesh grek dhe asgje tjeter nuk eshte e nevojshme.
Kush nuk eshte grek mund të iki nga Greqia ...paqesisht .

In english

What is done in Greece by Kostas Biris?
Is the author of the book: arvanitas, hand modern Greeks, 1960
  Arvanites, the Dorians of modern Hellenism, history of Arvanites in Grecia.
Costa Son(Biri), that Son(biri) = children - son, and son - our (bir-jonë)= Virjon(b=v) in Greek, Vironas
His book first appeared in v.1963.
It was sold soon.
Reprint was not allowed until 1974, ie for eleven years
  Was reprinted in 1974 and the sale was allowed only for a while.
The book disappeared from acquisitions.
Was not allowed reprint.
It was reprinted after twenty years in 1994.
It was sold for two weeks.
  He stopped again free to leave after 2010.

So in 40 years was allowed only for 40 days.
This, ironically in a free market economy! (State Police did not ask for it)
These things only happen in Greece.
The question is how can young Greeks removed as the site of world civilization?
Any thing Arvanite and not only Arvanite
Allowed everything Greek.
Enough to be Greek and nothing else is needed.
Who is not Greek can go peacefully in Greece ...


2 - Kostas Biris lindi ne Kajro dhe për cudi ne Wikipedia fshihet ky informacion .
Çfare na fshehin greket në lidhje me kete fakt ?
Patjeter atje ku nuk ka informacion fshihen sekrete .....
Behet fshirja e origjines .Per cfare arsye tjeter mund te pretendohet ?

in english 
Kostas Biris was born in Cairo and marvel at Wikipedia deleted the information.
What the Greeks hid us about it?

Certainly where there is no information,hiding secret .....
Origin evicted. For what other reason can be claimed?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kostas Biris (1899-1980), also known as Konstantinos Biris (in Greek Κώστας or Κωνσταντίνος Μπίρης), was a well-know Greek architect and city planner, but also a folklorist.
From sources not dependent learn
....Ο Κώστας Μπίρης γεννήθηκε το 1899 στο Κάιρο, αλλά μεγάλωσε στην Κάρυστο και τη Χαλκίδα....
Kostas Biris was born in 1899 in Cairo and grew up in Karisto, Halkidhe


Low-level charges against Costas Biris .... arvanites are indigenous, to which I agree,but are not Albanian .. The last to laugh.
No Greek, Greece outside of this stated in these 200 years, that Arvanites areGreeks. This is because foreigners will laugh
with these researchers.
It seems that this irony of all the Greeks have left at all times.

Find out what went manure
in greek 
Αν ζούσε ο κ. Μπίρης θα του ζητούσα να μου περιγράψει πόσες και ποιές πόλεις είχαν «Αρβανίτες»; Μήπως όλως τυχαίως ήταν όλες οι πανάρχαιες πόλεις του Ελληνισμού; Και αν έτσι ήταν, τότε που πήγαν οι αυτόχθονες κάτοικοι;

Η δήθεν «κάθοδος Αρβανιτών» εξυπηρετεί στην πραγματικότητα τα σχέδια διαμελισμού του Ελληνικού Έθνους. Γιατί πολύ απλά οι αυτόχθονες κάτοικοι των πανάρχαιων πόλεων της Ελλάδας υπήρξαν και υπάρχουν και δεν θυμούνται να δέχθηκαν εποικισμούς από την Αλβανία. Εκτός αν εννοούμε την εσωτερική μετανάστευση Ελλήνων είτε από το Βορρά είτε από το Νότο, πράγμα που συνεχώς συμβαίνει. Ο όρος άλλωστε «Αραβωνίτης» υποδηλώνει τους Έλληνες που από τα προϊστορικά χρόνια κατοικούσαν στον χώρο υπτίως του Αιγαίου, δηλ. την Αίγυπτο και ουδεμία σχέση έχει με την Αλβανία..

in english 
If you lived Mr. Biris would ask me describe how many and which cities were"Albanians"? Did incidentally were all the ancient cities of the Hellenes? And if thatwas, then went to the indigenous inhabitants?

The so-called "descent Arvanites" actually serves the plans division of the GreekNation. Simply because the indigenous inhabitants of the ancient cities of Greecewere there and did not remember to have accepted settlements from Albania. Unlesswe understand the internal migration of Greeks from either the north or the south,which ever occurs. The term also "Aravonitis" indicates the Greeks from prehistoric times lived in the area supinely Aegean, ie Egypt and has nothing to do with Albania...

for more 

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