Wednesday 28 March 2012

Albanian Party in Greece

in english 

- WHEN TWO YEARS BEFORE THE SHOUT We were "graphical". Swallow the SODAS NOT NOW! "We start a fair and democratic struggle to defend and safeguard the rights of Albanian immigrants in Greece majorities. We also strive to stamp out any far-right, nationalist element in Greece that promotes hatred and racism. We strive also to Albanian working mother. Greece does not belong only to the Greeks "
This is the manifesto of the upcoming Albanian party in Greece, "GREECE IS NOT BELONG ONLY TO THE GREEKS" the dominant slogan of Albanian illegal immigrants who are already feeling the new "boss" of a country which a few years there will not be on the map. The worms of the project opened the "Kallikrates" that th'apovallei any combination for the next municipal election candidates to include th'arnithei "immigrants". "I joined the enemies in the city and we laughed like children ..." By hellraiser. SOURCE: alfanea

in greek


7 Votes

“Ξεκινάμε έναν τίμιο και δημοκρατικό αγώνα για την υπεράσπιση και κατοχύρωση των δικαιωμάτων των Αλβανών μεταναστών που πλειοψηφούν στην Ελλάδα. Επίσης αγωνιζόμαστε για να εξαφανίσουμε κάθε ακροδεξιό, εθνικιστικό στοιχείο στην Ελλάδα που προωθεί το μίσος και τον ρατσισμό. Αγωνιζόμαστε επίσης για την Αλβανίδα εργαζόμενη μητέρα. Η Ελλάδα ΔΕΝ ανήκει μόνο στους Έλληνες

Αυτο ειναι το μανιφεστο του επερχομενου Αλβανικου κομματος στην Ελλαδα,”Η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΔΕΝ ΑΝΗΚΕΙ ΜΟΝΟ ΣΤΟΥΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ” το κυριαρχο συνθημα των Αλβανων λαθρομεταναστων που αισθανονται ηδη τα νεα “αφεντικα” μιας χωρας που σε λιγα χρονια δεν θα υπαρχει στον χαρτη.

Τον ασκο του Αιολου τον ανοιξε το σχεδιο “Καλλικρατης” που θ’αποβαλλει οποιοδηποτε συνδιασμο για τις επομενες δημοτικες εκλογες θ’αρνηθει να συμπεριλαβει υποψηφιους “μεταναστες”.

Μπηκαν στην πολη οι εχθροι κι εμεις γελουσαμε σαν τα παιδια…”

Απο τον hellraiser.



Emis tha baloume elin-arvanites stin eksousia .Pou einai to kako parakalo afou oi arvanites einai elines ?[Image] Comment από Adriano Xhafaj | Ιουνίου 6, 20
 -Ne do të çojme në pushtet greko-arvanitet .Kur arvanitet jane greke ku eshte e keqia ?
@blackpanther1975 …..Όπως μου έλεγε και ένας γέρος Αρβανίτης όταν ήμουν νέος U Jam Shkiptar !
Ego eimai albanos ley o ARBANITIS .Fantazome ean dhen figoun moni tous oi albanoi ta pragmata tha einai poli diskola dhioti bgenoun kai dopyoi albanoi ,diladhi oi arbanites .
megale ti lete ?
(per mua-une)
- Siç me thote nje arvanit kur isha i ri .U jam Shkiptar !Une jam shqiptar thote arvaniti .Marr me mend se nese nuk ikin vete shqiptaret ,gjerat do te veshtiresohen shume .sepse dalin dhe vendasit shqiptare,dmth arvanitet .I madh (per mua ) ç`thoni ?
Oi elines exoun koma stin Albania .Ok ?Oi albanoi dhikeounte na exoun koma kai epidhi einai ligjoi tha sinergazonte me tous arbanites .Kai bebeos oi elin-arbanites tha eksousiazoun pali .O pote ti problima exei ?[Image] Comment από Adriano Xhafaj | Ιουνίου 7, 2010
- Greket kane parti ne Shqiperi .Ok ?Shqiptaret ne Greqi kane te drejte te kene parti ,sepse jane pak dhe do te bashkepunojne me arvanitet .Sigurisht greko-arvanitet do te sundojne perseri .Atehere ku eshte problemi juaj ?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Komenti nr 33 ,imi Katarxin oi arvanites tis Italias grafoun oti o Papa-Ntreou exei arbanitikes rizes epidhi einai kai aftoi apo afti ti perioxi .kai to onoma Ntreou einai katharo ….albanikoTou layiston se kibernisis tis Eladhos oi arbanites ixane apo 30 -40 % se kathe kibernisi ,aplos eos tora dhen eitan perifanoi gia tin xameni katagogji tous .tora omos exoun gini perifanoi kai sinexia kai pio poli .Edho exei dhosi sinisfora kaito Eleniko Kratos …P.x stin Eleniki Presbia stin Albania skolasane atoma ,dhio atoma epidhi apo perifania dilosane …arbanites.
Stin Eladha exoume arbanites ,stin albania dhen exoume kai apagorebete kai olas ….dhio stasis ,pion na pisteboume ?exete tourkika skolia dhen exete oute ena kladhos tis Arbanitikis Gllosas sta panepistimia …Oi tourkoi bgenoun pio elines apo tous arbanites …Gia poso kaero nomisete oti tha koroidhebete tous arbanites ? Kanate olous tous arbanites -elines eno gia to Lord Birjon dhen tolmate kai otan aftos edhose oti ixie gia tin epanastasi tou 21 pou toniso prin oi elines na to theouroun eleniko prepi na apodhiksoun oti ixane tin pliopsifia stin epanastasi ….dhioti bgaloume tous arbanites kai bllaxous …oi ipolipoi einai elines ….pyoi omos ? 
 - Si fillim arvanitet e Italise (arbereshet) shkruajne se Papa-Ndreu ka rrenje arvanite,sepse jane arbereshet nga ajo zone .Emri Ndreu eshte shqiptar i paster Greqi njohim se ka arvanite,ne Shqiperi ndalohet te deklarohesh arvanit ,dy qendrime ke te besojme ?Keni shkolla turke por nuk lejoni arvanite .Dmth turqit jane me greke nga arvanitet (sepse shteti i perkrah turqit ne gjuhen e tyre)Per sa kohe mendoni se do ti genjeni arvanitet ?Bete te gjithe arvanitet greke ,nderkohe qe nje anglez qe dha cfare kishte dhe nuk kishte per revolucionin e 1821 asqe guxoni ta quani grek ......
Ne komentin 34 pergjigja eshte humoristike .Ky eshte himariot sepse shkruan gjithmone me germa te medha .sepse eshte me lehte ,ngaqe greqishten nuk e zoteron mire akoma dhe nuk ka bere shkolle greke ."O ju greke ,xexe, jeni bere budallenj ",beni dialog me nje shqiptar te hedhur ,thame deri diku ..

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