Η σημαια των Αρμπερορ - Αρναουτ - Αλβανων και
...οι αρβανιτες
in Albanian
Burime mesjetare te perdorimit te flamurit kombetar ne Epir
Libri më i famshëm që unë kam lexuar në Shqiperi ,me
temë arvanitët është libri i Irakli Kocollarit me titull “Arvanitët”.”Albin”
1994 ,Tirane
Princi Karl Topia shfaqet në skenë .Sipas një teorie që kam
lexuar, Karli erdhi nga Peloponezi ku me urdhër perandorak ishin vendosur
familje arbërorësh me karakter ushtarak,pasi popullsia vendasi ishte zhdukur
.Disponohen dokumenta për këtë nga shumë autorë,por vecanterisht nga një
studjues gjigant ,shumë i pa njohur,i pa nderuar në hapësirën shqiptare
Dhimitri Lithoksou ,i cili është dhe me origjinë arvanite .
…”Kjo figurë me përmasa vërtet të cuditshme ,na shfaqet ndër
rastet e para të dokumentacionit të asaj kohe në vitin 1358 ne betejën e
luginës së Ahelout ,ku godet me forcat e tij kështjellën e Angjelokastros ,që
ishte në të njëjtën kohë kryeqendër e Etolisë .
Zoti i këtij vendi ,Niqifor Angjelos në këtë betejë kishte
për aleatë serbët me të cilët kishte realizuar edhe një lidhje familiare(kishte
divorcuar gruan e parë dhe ish martuar me motrën e Stefan Dushanit )Vec Serbëve
aleanca fuqizohej edhe nga forca turke ,të cilat me trupat e tyre renditen për
ti dhënë një goditje shkatërruese princit shqiptar .
Por në betejën e ashpër që u zhvillua jashtë mureve të
qytetit,shqiptarët nën komandën e Karl Topisë ,arrijnë një fitore befasuese
duke shkatërruar totalisht forcat e Niqiforit
dhe ato të aleatëve ,duke vrarë në fushën e betejës edhe vetë
komandantin e tyre Niqiforin
Mbas kësaj fitoreje vërtet të bujshme ,Karl Topia ja dorëzon Etolinë dhe Akarnaninë ,bashkë me
periferitë e Artës princit shqiptar Gjin Bue Shpata dhe vetë kthehet në Arbëri
Kocollari ,faqa 18-19 …
Eshtë e pa sqaruar çështja e marrdhënieve të princit Karl
Topia me Gjin dhe Mërkur Bue Shpata si dhe origjina e tyre .Thuhet se
Mërkur & Gjin ishin nipërit e tij ,kjo nga një teori me origjinë greke
që kam lexuar .Por ajo që ka rëndësi është se vellezërit Mërkur Gjin u caktuan
nga shqiptari Karl Topia ,i cili më vonë merr tërë Jugun e
Shqipërisë,Shqipërinë e Mesme ,vetë
shpallet mbret i Arbërisë dhe shtërngon rrethimin e qytetit të
Durrësit .
Më 15 prill 1366 Senati Venecian njeh Karl Topine për mbret
të Arbërisë dhe qytetar nderi të Venedikut .(Faqa 20)
Kjo ngjarje historice ,me një rëndësi të jashtëzakonshme nuk
cilësohet nga studjuesit shqiptarë si product i ndërgjegjes kombëtare,për arsye
të cuditshme, ndoshta sepse nuk do
të jenë dakort grek[t .Këtyre stdjuesve ju bëj pyetjen
Si është e mundur të krijohet,ngrihet,mbahet ,njihet ,një
shtet pa ndërgjegje kombëtare ,të paktën nga Shqiperia e mesme dhe deri në
Agrinjo ?
Si është e mundur të dalë në skenë ky flamur i mëposhtëm
edhe 100 vjet më mbas nga Heroi Skenderbe?Si është e mundur akoma dhe
500 vjet më mbrapa nga nga Ismail Qemali ?Pra ky popull që
kishte këtë flamur,trashëgonte këtë flamur 600 vjet me
radhë të pa ndryshuar ,duhej të kishte ndërgjegje
të paster për këtë flamur ,pra ndërgjegje kombëtare shumë para grekëve ,një
temë kjo që mendoj se do ta faktoj në të ardhmen
2) Kush solli turqit
ne hapësirat shqiptare ? (Niqifor Angjelo)
Pra turku eshte pushtues apo jo ?Nëse kosovarët nuk duan ta quajnë pushtues ,është e drejta jonë ta konsiderojmë të tillë
in English
Most famous book I've read in Albania, Arvanites topic is
Koçollari Irakli book titled "Arvanitet". "Albin" 1994,
Prince Karl Topia appears on stage. According to a theory I read, Charles came
from the Peloponnese, where the imperial
orders were placed with families
arberore military character, as population homeowner was gone.
Possessed for many authors, but particularly from a giant
researchers , very unknown, is no
honor in Albanian space Lithoksou Demetrius, who is originally and arvanite.
... "This picture really strange proportions, appears among the first
cases of the documentation of that time in 1358 at the battle of Ahelout valley,
where the hits with his forces Angjelokastros castle, which was at the same
time the metropolis of Etolisë .
Lord of this country, Niqifor Angeles in this battle was allied with the Serbs
who had made a family connection (he divorced his first wife and married the
sister of former Stefan Dushan) Besides Serbs grew power alliances by Turkish
forces, which the their bodies
are listed to give Albanian prince a devastating blow.
But in the fierce battle that took place outside the city walls, the Albanians
under the command of Karl blunt, reaching a surprising victory totally
destroyed Niqiforit forces and allies, killing on the battlefield and their own
commander Niqiforin
After this victory truly sensational, Karl Topia submits Akarnanine Etoline
and, together with the edges of the Albanian prince Artes Gjin Bue swords and
return them Arberi "
Koçollari, P 18-19...
It is not clear issue relations of the Prince Karl Topia with gender and
Mercury Bue swords and their origin. Said that Mercury & Gjin were his
grandchildren, this from a theory of Greek descent that I read. But what
matters is that Mercury Gjin
brothers were determined by Karl Topia Albanians, who later takes the whole south of Albania, Middle Albania, declared himself king
of Arbëria and bearing down on the city of Durres.
On April 15, 1366 the Venetian Senate to recognize Karl Topine king of Arberia
and honorary citizen of Venice.
(page 20)
This historical event with extraordinary importance not qualify as a product of
Albanian scholars of national consciousness strange reason, after probably will
not be upon the Greeks. But these questions do you researchers
How is it possible to create, built, maintained, recognized, a state without
national consciousness, at least from Albania middle and up Agrinjo? It
is possible to appear on stage following the flag of the 100 years after the Hero
Skenderbey ? As possible, and 500
years of Ismail Kemal. So these people who had this flag, this flag inheriting
600 years, had a clear conscience about this flag, so many first Greek national
consciousness, a theme that you think would bring
proofs in the future
2) Who brought the Turks in the Balkans (Niqifor Angjelo)
Principatat arbërore dhe flamurët përkatës nga shekulli 12 - 14
Gr..Arbërore ηγεμονίες και οι αντίστοιχες σημαίες του 12ου - 14 αιώνα .
En..Arbërore principalities and the respective flags of the 12th century - 14
Flamuri i familjes Shpata Gjin & Mërkur
Μερκουρη Μπουα Σπατα,η σημαια (1350 - 1405).
Η σημαία της ηγεμονίας Καστριωτη(1389 - 1444)
Του Βυζαντιου ,1453,100 χρονια αργοτερα

Και εγραφε ο ηγετης και Eθνικος Ηρως των Αρβανιτων κατα των 15 αιωνα ,
Γεωργιος Καστριωτης στον πριγκηπα του Ταραντος
Δεν τους ξέρεις καλά εσυ τους Αρβανίτες μου...
"Οι προγόνοι μας ηταν Ηπειρώτες,απο τους οποίους εβγήκε εκείνος ο Πύρρος,στου οποίου την ορμή μολις που μπόρεσαν να αντισταθούν οι Ρωμαίοι.
Εκείνος που πολεμώντας εκυρίευσε τον Τάραντα και άλλες χώρες της Ιταλίας. Αν λάβεις υπ' όψει σου οτι η Αλβανία αποτελεί μέρος της Μακεδονίας,θα ομολογήσεις οτι ακόμα ποσο ευγενείς ησαν οι προγόνοι μας,που με τον Μ.Αλέξανδρο επικεφαλής έπροχωρησαν εως τις Ινδίες.
Απο εκείνους κατάγονται αυτοί που εσυ ειρωνέυεσαι..."
(Μπίρη,«Αρβανίτες,οι Δωριείς του Νεώτερου Ελληνισμού» σελ. 24)
Οικογενεια Σπατα και Σπατα (Μπουας)- Σγουρω ,απογονοι του Πυρρου
Πίρρου /Πύρρου, Πιρρώτα / Πειρώτα ...Πειραια
Οι "Πουγιάνοι" είχαν πάρει προνόμια από τον Πύρρο ή τον Άγιο Κωνσταντίνο
Σάθας, Κωνσταντίνος,1842-1914.Ελληνικά ανέκδοτα περί συνταχθέντα και εκδιδόμενα κατ' έγκρισιν της Bουλής εθνική δαπάνη /Υπό Κωνσταντίνου Σάθα.Αθήνησι :Τύποις του Φωτός, 1867."
Οι "Πουγιάνοι" και οι αλλοι "Ελληνες" με Αλβανικη σημαια στην ...
μάχη του Fornovo (Ιταλία) 1495
Al - Flamuri shqiptar fiks 400 vjet më pas
En - Albanian flag fixed 400 years later
Gr - Αλβανική σημαία ακριβος 400 χρόνια αργότερα
” Ο Κουντουργιώτης πήγε εις τη Νύδρα κι’ άφησε εις το ποδάρι του τον Αναγνώστη Οικονόμο Νυδραίο.............
"Ορίστε κι’ Αρβανίτικη αρετή. Ως τώρα είχαμε Βλάχικη, Κεφαλλωνίτικη, Φαναργιώτικη· ορίστε κι’ Αρβανίτικη. Να δικαιοσύνη, να κυβερνήται των νέων Ελλήνων!”
Τούτη η σημαια είναι τον αρβανιτον"...
in english
"The Kountourgiotis went to Nidri and the 'left leg at the Steward of the Reader Nydraio .............
"Here and Arvanite Eagle. So far we Vlach, Kefallonitiki, Fanargiotiki set; bid and arvanite
Do justice, kyvernitai young Greeks!"
This flag is the Arvanite "....
The Triumph of Mordecai

Δωρο Ο ΑΕΤΟΣ για τον Αρβανιτι
- Dhurata juaj Pan.A.Ieremias Kapiten 1896
The newspapers delighted in drawing comparisons with the Ancient Greeks. The Victories’ of the Modern Greeks, according to the Examiner, enhanced even the glory of Ancients…
The Maniotes were of course the Modern Spartans but Marco Botsaris, the Albanian Suliote leader, was usually taken as the Modern Leonidas. When stories appeared of a woman of Hydra, Boubolin, leading the Greeks in battle, she was dubbed the Modern Artemisia or the Greek Joan of Arc.
The rich Hydriote ship-owner, Conduriottis, held the title of President of Greece. He was an Albanian, unable to speak Greek. And so the leaders of both armies in the war came – as did many of the fighting man – from a community who had not yet learned to prefer nationalism to other loyalities.
Gradually, more and more Greeks found ways of getting themselves on the Government’ pay roll. The money was never accounted for detail. A captain would simply contract to provide a number of armed men and draw pay for that number. Again, the opportunities for embezzlement were eagerly seized. Anyone who could muster any pretensions to a military status appeared in Nauplia demanding pay. It was probably at this time that the Albanian dress made its decisive step towards being regarded as the national dress of Greece. The Government party, being largely Albanians themselves, favoured the dress and a version of it was common among the Greek klephts and armatoli. Now it seemed that anyone who donned an Albanian dress could claim to be a soldier and share in the bonanza.
Titulli: That Greece Might Still Be Free
Autor: William St Clair
Botues: Open Book Publishers, 2008
Foto: Flamuri kombëtar (marrë në Austri nga P. Traboini) i ngritun ne Deçiq me 6 prill 1911, gjatë kryengritjes së Malcisë së Madhe të udhëhequn prej Dedë Gjo Lulit. (Foto Marubbi)
Flamuri i Arberesheve
Ε - Πυρρος ,Ε Πυρριτ (
Epiri - Epirus ) = του Πυρρου (E - Mathia,E -Gnatia,E -Pikurit,E -Uropit ,E-Ladha,E kalis,E Mirit,E Miramidë ...)
EPIRUS, hodie vulgo ALBANIA
Carte de la Grece - Covens & Mortier, c. 1720.
- Carte de la Grece
- Albania
Autor: Hauer, Daniel Adam, 1734-1789
- Delisle G 1683 1761
Herodotus himself wrote in Illyria map up in Patras, whileYoung Greeks often write that Albanians are foreigners.
Graeciae Antiquae specimen geographicum. Auctor d'Anville, Regiae Humaniorium Litter…
In 2003-2004, under Olimbike games (non-Olympic) Athens excavations were made in the classical area pellasgjike be held in Patras, Greek archaeologists.
To the surprise of Greek archaeologists discovered there zana (in greek Zanes =
) with dozens of sun symbols eagle Albanians and Dias Pelasgians Peloponnese and Larishës.
The Greeks took care to these symbols today Albanians not published, just as they did with 2000 Illyrian soldiers and their equipment, found on the outskirts of Thessaloniki during this period.
For Macedonia Greek news, without being ever so.
View a great fact, VI century BC, first Grand Alekut three centuries. Existed Eagle Illire, Arbërore, Arvanites arnauts ...
Greek! Please do not continue to cover the sun with the riddle as Arvanites say ....
[2] A. Stipçeviç, Arte degli Illyria, Milan, 1963, p. 46. Stipçeviçi specifies that the image was first published Yugoslav archaeologist D. Sergejevski, and represents: There are two Illyrian warriors carved in a Ribiçi urn. The object of the century. VI first. new.
Monday, January 24, 20111960. Italy NATO: Albania, to Preveza
Dossier / secret document of the General Staff of the Italian Army, who in 1960 calls it "Chameria is Albanian land, to the Gulf of Arta."
The reaction of the Soviet Union: Autonomy for Northern Epirus. Hoxha-Zaharjadhis Meeting: South Albania will never become Greece. Demonstrating the strength of communist dictator in Albanian-Greek border
By Thanas Mustaqi